Friday, December 18, 2015

Essure® Sterilization Coils: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

by Dr. Margaret Aranda

The Essure ® Fallopian tube coils were manufactured by Conceptus, Inc. as a means for “permanent” birth control (click here for pictures). There was a need for something new and different that was a non-hormonal, non-invasive, and uncomplicated method of sterilization that did not require anesthesia. But after skimming through the FDA (watching the tapes is embarrassing to me), and hearing them actually LAUGH at the Principal Investigators (PIs) who did the research, it has now killed, maimed, and brought hysterectomies and anguish to thousands of women.

Joining hands with Hooman Noorchashm, MD, Ph.D. and Amy Peer, MD, Ph.D., whose mortality was "played with" due to the morcellator medical device used during her thought-to-be-benign hysterectomy, here we are. Reviewing the Essure(R) coils, responsible also for one physician suicide after threatened with a malpractice lawsuit over misplacement of the Essure(R) coils.

What the heck are they doing to WOMEN? Women's Health is affected ACROSS THE GLOBE as planes full of Essure(R) coils are flown to Third World countries for permanent sterilization. WHO DOES THAT RESEMBLE? First, dehumanize the patients, then experiment on them, and ignore the side effects, the blood, pus and DEATHS....and keep on going on as if NOTHING HAPPENED. What happened to the Hippocratic Oath of "Do No Harm?" It's a SHAME! A SHAME! A Shame!

Thankfully, the BEAT GOES ON with WARRIORS e-SISTERS and Hooman Noorchashm, MD, Ph.D., and Amy Peer, MD, Ph.D., and Erin Brockovich, and others who C-A-R-E about H-U-M-A-N   B-E-I-N-G-S!

WARRIORS! PUT ON YOUR GEAR! Get ready to STAMPEDE, if needed!

 Dr Margaret Aranda

How to be a 'Professional' Patient:
No More Tears: A Physician Turned Patient Inspires Recovery by Dr. Margaret Aranda
Archives of the Vagina: A Journey through Time by  Dr. Margaret Aranda

Essure® Sterilization Coils: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. The Title of this blog article was used on Dr. Aranda's article that discusses this matter in more full depth. That article is here.

Dr Aranda's Short Stories

Age 31: The Color Blue

It Wasn’t by Choice: Dysautonomia

by Dr. Margaret Aranda

Wow. So many of us walk around with dysautonomia before it even gets an accurate "diagnosis." WHY is this so? Is it because it is a RARE disease? No. The incidence probably has not changed. It is the detection that has increased. Even so, many are "left behind" for weeks, months, or even years while the doctors (2-30 of them) scratch their heads in equal frustration, NOT KNOWING what the patient has. That's why we have the Invisible Illness Petition​ on FB, to get the ER docs to diagnose it. To get the med students to learn it. Not just dysautonomia, but ALL The INVISIBLE ILLNESSES. But here's a real, live, clinical story of my dysautonomia and how the doctors even told me, a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist with Subspecialty Critical Care Certification, Forensic Medicine Certification, and eventually, Certification in Age Management Medicine and my Ph.D. in Forensic Medicine.

One of the key things to learn? SPEAK UP! Don't let anyone talk down to you! Fight back!
Our WARRIOR MOTTO for 2016:  We are TIgers and we are going to RROOAAARRRR! Let's get back our lives!

For more on how doctors think, how they write their notes, and how you can be a "Professional Patient," get 1 of my books:
No More Tears: A Physican Turned Patient Inspires Recovery​
Archives of the Vagina​: A Journey through Time

Dr. Margaret Aranda

It Wasn’t by Choice: Dysautonomia

Dr Aranda's Short Stories

Age 31: The Color Blue

Hysterectomy in America

by Dr. Margaret Aranda

So your mother and all our aunts have had a hysterectomy, and they're all "FINE." And every girl at the office has had a hysterectomy (except YOU). Do you HAVE TO KEEP UP with the Jones' on this one? Or should you stop and think, "I have my own brain, and this is my only body. I'm going to educate myself on this, ask a lot of questions, SPEAK UP, and THEN decide if I WANT or DO NOT WANT to have this procedure done."

After all, it has many similarities as if you are showing up to a car dealership, asking the car salesman if you should buy a car. I believe that I see many parallelisms here, and I don't want YOU to just "go along with the flow." I want YOU to THINK FOR YOURSELF! SPEAK UP! Ask questions! Seek a 2nd or a 3rd Opinion! Could you live with any of the complications?

Do you really think this will make your life BETTER? There's an old saying in surgical language: "The enemy of 'better' is "WORSE." So how do you KNOW if you won't be WORSE OFF? Talk to women's groups. Talk to women that already had it done. Be FULLY informed. You Owe it to Yourself.

Dr. Margaret Aranda
Book: Archives of the Vagina: A Journey through Time

Hysterectomy in America

Dr Aranda's Short Stories

Age 31: The Color Blue

Do I Have Postpartum Depression? Case Scenario and Resources

by Dr. Margaret Aranda

I thought this topic is so important, that I brought it out as a "reprint" from to remind you to be encouraging, helpful, complimentary, and loving towards pregnant women this holiday season. Let's not see any more suicides, or babies lost to infanticide. Amen to THAT.

Dr. Margaret Aranda
Women's Book: Archives of the Vagina: A Journey through Time

Do I Have Postpartum Depression? Case Scenario and Resources

Dr Aranda's Short Stories

Age 31: The Color Blue

Before She was Born: Seeds of Postpartum Depression

by Dr. Margaret Aranda

This is one of the articles I wrote for
This Holiday Season, DON'T ASSUME that every pregnant woman you see is happy. A woman can be very depressed, with only a painted smile on her face.  So smile at her. Ask her if she needs help. Tell her that she glows. Lift her up. If she is new to your neighborhood, why don't we do it the 'old-fashioned' way, and throw her a brunch, or even a BABY SHOWER (?) if NO ONE else is doing it? Let's get real!

Before She was Born: Seeds of Postpartum Depression

My book on Women's Health: Archives of the Vagina: A Journey through Time

Dr Aranda's Short Stories

Age 31: The Color Blue

WITHDRAWAL OF OPIOIDS AND PAIN MANAGEMENT WITHOUT OPIOIDS By Dr Forest Tennant   We are pleased to share information from Dr. Forest Ten...