Saturday, November 10, 2012

Age 31: The Color Blue

To view Article beginning on Age 1, please Click Here.

by Dr. Margaret Aranda

I was Vice President of LAC-USC Medical Center's HouseOfficer's Association, which represented over 1,200 interns, residents, and Fellows in training.  Together with the other officers, I met with the Chief of Staff, and the L.A. County Board of Supervisors.  In 1990, they wanted to take away the housestaff housing, and pour cement into the swimming pool. They wanted to take away free food in the Doctor's Dining Room.

The medical center was just about the largest medical facility in the world.  It was simply huge.  It was the same hospital steps that are seen on the Soap Opera, General Hospital.  This was the place. The Women's and Children's Hospital was separate, and we had to walk down the hill to get there.  As I walked carrying my medical bag, it was obvious that I was a doctor in training.  Up the hill would come four males together in a pack, and I didn't like it at all.  Even in broad daylight.

My fears were justified.  A medical student had been killed in the nearby park; another pregnant resident physician had been assaulted in the parking lot.  We asked the hospital staff for statistics on assaults, and were not granted access to the data.  Shortly thereafter, I was sitting in the cafeteria in the evening on a summer day when I heard a chilling scream.

There was blood on the floor, and a female nurse was bleeding from the neck.  Apparently a homeless man had asked her for a dollar.  She reportedly said no.  So a large group of people were dragging her on the floor, feet first, to the ER.  The blood dragged on the floor behind her, and I was left staring.  Weren't we just talking about assaults on hospital grounds? Isn't this what we were trying to prevent? Her carotid artery was punctured, she ended up in the Operating Room, and she survived.

I was an Intern now, just graduated from medical school.  I did the 'scut' work, drawing blood, taking urine samples and doing the dipstick on them myself. I even took blood and let it go into capillary tubes, then spinning it on a centrifuge to determine the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels on my patients.  I was busy.  I was busier than busy.

I was out of Jail Ward now, rotating in the ER. A new 24-hour Observation Unit was set up to handle triage, the sending out of patients to various destinations.  I had a patient who was an alcoholic with seizures, and he had wandered off the Unit.  He wasn't in bed, and I could not find him.  I looked around the circular unit desk station, and there were two nurses there.  I told them I was leaving to go look for my patient.  No one would have thought that it was a wrong thing to do.

I walked down the hallway and immediately spotted him.  He was wearing the hospital gown, and was pushing his iv pole down the hallway.  I thought maybe he was going outside to smoke a cigarette, as was not unusual for some patients, and I hoped he was not going out to do drugs.  He was 6'6" tall, about 200 pounds, and had brown hair and a curly brown beard.  I called him by name.

"Mr. Patterson, there you are. I need you to come back to your room with me," I said gently.
He looked down on me, because I'm only 5'4".  He said ok, and together we started walking toward the Unit.  I didn't think anything at all.  I was on his left, and he walked behind me, slightly to my right.

Out of the corner of my right eye, I saw his arm come up behind me a bit, and I thought that he was going to rest his hand on my shoulder.  Since he had a seizure, I thought well, that would be okay because maybe he is tired or something.  But no, instead he wound his elbow around my neck. He lifted my body off the floor, and I could feel that my toes were not even touching the floor. I couldn't scream.  I couldn't move. I thought that if I tried to fight or kick, he would break my neck.  There was nothing I could do.

I was suffocating.  I had no control. I just waited to get rescued as the time ticked. I held my breath, or did I?  Maybe I held it on purpose so my neck would not break.  All I remember is that I couldn't move.

"Hey!" I heard a man's scream.  Then there was a brief scuffle.  Eventually, I was freed.

Everyone concentrated on the patient. Since he was my patient, I called for some valium iv.  He needed sedation and because of his history of seizure, this would help ensure that he would not have another seizure.  He was on around-the-clock benzodiazepine medication, and had missed his evening dose.  So I pushed the drug myself.  Once that was done, I felt light-headed.  I said I wasn't feeling so good.

Then the attention shifted to me.  "Your face was blue!" said Mark, the male nurse who had apparently jumped on the man's back to rescue me.  Mark said, "I'm on the Army Reserves, and he had you in a military headlock.  All he had to do was to scrunch his arm just so....and poof! your spinal cord would have been severed."

There was nothing to say except Thank You.
Wherever you are, I still Thank You.

ORDER NOW! Dr. Aranda's books, please click here:


Dr. Margaret Aranda's Books:

No More Tears en Espanol
Face Book Page: Stepping from the Edge
Little Missy Two-Shoes Likes to go to School
From Menarche to Menopause: A Journey through Time

To Order Dr. Aranda's books, please click here:

For Additional Memoirs by Dr. Margaret Aranda, Please View:

Additional Articles by Dr. Margaret Aranda

Medical Disclaimer: Nothing on this website is meant to diagnose, treat, or practice medicine. You must be seen in person by a physician for appropriate and individual medical treatment. If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 in the USA.

Link Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any links that go outside of this website.

Full Disclosure: Margaret A. Ferrante, M.D.  is an Institute Physician with Cenegenics Medical Institute.  She receives no monetary compensation for hosting this website you are on, which is independent and not affiliated with Cenegenics. The information presented is for education and awareness.  Dr. Ferrante currently sees patients out of the Cenegenics office in Beverly Hills, CA. 
To book an appointment for a free Consultation, please email her at:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Women Helping Women

Women have gone through menopause ever since they could live long enough to pass the usual insults of medieval life ~ death by childbirth or communicable diseases.  While menopause is a natural part of aging and not a disease state or illness per se, it is important to view it as a hormone deficiency state where quality of life needs to be optimized.  Fluctuations in hormones can be erratic, or severe deficiency can occur, making the time ripe for evaluation by a professional.  Did anyone have The Second Talk with you about menopause?  Menopause is associated with significant health risk factors:  heart disease and osteoporosis.

 Many women complain of symptoms of pre-menopause, where periods become heavier, the abdomen is more bloated, and insomnia begins to plague a woman's quality of life.  Ahhh. Quality of Life (QoL).  That is what we are talking about, ladies and gentlemen.

Most women don't really know when they are going through pre-menopause, as the process can take from 1-6 years or longer.  During this time, periods may be missed here and there, and symptoms do not yet include the typical hot flashes, vulvar atrophy, or dysparunia so characteristic of menopause.

Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop functioning, and the menstrual period has stopped for one calendar year.   Women in menopause complain primarly of hot flashes (in Western society), joint pain (in India, Japan, Hawaiian Japanese, Iranians), insomnia, moodiness, irritability, and depression.  Many studies on menopause and QoL exist, and several studies also looked at hormone therapy, finding that hormones had a positive effect on QoL.  So menopause is complete at one year, and Postmenopause begins.

The Postmenopausal period extends for the rest of a woman's life, such that a woman will spend about one third of her life in pre-menopause, menopause, and/or post-menopause.  With 6,000 Baby Boomers entering menopause per day in the USA, it's no wonder that we need to think about menopause, talk about menopause, and consider joining a menopause group.  Women need to help women.

ORDER NOW! Dr. Aranda's books, please click here:


Dr. Margaret Aranda's Books:

No More Tears en Espanol
Face Book Page: Stepping from the Edge
Little Missy Two-Shoes Likes to go to School
From Menarche to Menopause: A Journey through Time

To Order Dr. Aranda's books, please click here:

For Additional Memoirs, Please Click Here:

Age 31: The Color Blue

Additional Free Articles by Dr. Margaret Aranda

Medical Disclaimer: Nothing on this website is meant to diagnose, treat, or practice medicine. You must be seen in person by a physician for appropriate and individual medical treatment. If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 in the USA.

Link Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any links that go outside of this website.

Full Disclosure: Margaret A. Ferrante, M.D.  is an Institute Physician with Cenegenics Medical Institute.  She receives no monetary compensation for hosting this website you are on, which is independent and not affiliated with Cenegenics. The information presented is for education and awareness.  Dr. Ferrante currently sees patients out of the Cenegenics office in Beverly Hills, CA. 
To book an appointment for a free Consultation, please email her at:

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